Advertising Innovation: Tyroo’s Click to SMS live in India

What’s driving the new economy ? Innovation. I don’t see or hear about “Innovation” from many Indian companies. A small company from Erode – AirVoice Infocomm is sitting on a pretty good patent that will let users make free call after listening to an Advertisement.

I had written about my experience with Google’s Click to Call. Tyroo an Indian company implemented the obvious and the best fit medium in the context of Indian Advertisers – Click to SMS service.

Tyroo’s intelligent Adserver allows customers to contact you directly. Once a customer clicks on your ad, he or she can send you an SMS, an email or visit your website (if you have one). Thus Tyroo gives you actual customer contact along with publicity!

In e-mail resposne received from Tyroo on Click to SMS service,

Just register your self as an advertiser and choose the sms option and you can go live. Its a pretty straight forward process.

I had not seen anybody using SMS in Banner Advertising. This is fantastic means especially in India where not many Advertisers have websites / good websites and will be a platform for SMEs to advertise online. Recall Google AdSense in the US that revolutionized online advertising mainly because of support from SMB/SMEs. Secondly, AdSense kind of platform has lot of spam and fraud which Google is trying to wipe out. I am inclined to say this can be very effective in India where SMS is very popular and widely used. However, Ads targetting is something which Tyroo needs to improve on.

E-mail sent to Yahoo! asking details on Panama in India went unanswered. Are they still planning to milk Fat Clients ? Good Luck.

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